The small town of Rappville in northern NSW, was ravaged by the bushfires of summer 2019/20. Up to 20 homes and structures were lost and many residents lost everything except their community spirit to rebuild their town.

GeoLINK is working with the Richmond Valley Council on a range of projects which will see the town flourish once more. GeoLINK designed and provided the documentation for construction of a new shared path between main destinations in the town. The shared path provides a safe and convenient connection for pedestrians and cyclists between the school, church, community hall (soon to be reconstructed), bus shelter, pub/hotel, post office and a number of residences.

The path includes a new crossing of the existing operational railway, compliant with Australian Rail Track Corporation requirements. GeoLINK prepared a Review of Environmental Factors which addressed issues associated with the proposal that may impact on the existing environment. It also ensures measures are put in place where possible to minimise impacts and improve amenity.

GeoLINK continues to assist the Richmond Valley Council with the preparation of a Development Application for a new Community Precinct. This includes a Statement of Environmental Effects, On-site Wastewater Management, Bushfire Assessment and Waste Minimisation Plan.

rappville shared path bushfire

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