GeoLINK was engaged by de Groot & Benson to provide landscape architecture services for the seniors living and aged care facility at Arthur Street, Coffs Harbour.
GeoLINK undertook landscape designs for the:
Interface between public and private space along York Street, Arthur Street and San Francisco Avenue, taking into account level changes, retaining walls etc
Planting scheme to flood storage basin along southern boundary and additional input with regards to the southern boundary fencing taking into account council access to stormwater easement, sewer, drains and possible public footpath
Landscaping along internal roads to soften the visual impression of the built form and provide appealing pedestrian street scape
Landscaping to on-site detention/bio filtration basins
Input into site entry statements to York Street and San Francisco Avenue
Landscaping of car park areas to provide natural shade
Courtyard design for age related physical and mental disability implementing design for dementia principles
Landscape design around pool and social gathering area
Roof top gardens
Villas, private open space, internal street frontages and enclosed courtyards
General site landscaping to create a unified theme.
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