GeoLINK gives a helping hand to Mission Australia to get a Community garden
up and running for Coffs Harbour residents.
GeoLINK supports the local community
GeoLINK has taken the opportunity to get involved with a community project set to provide local residents with a range of positive benefits and outcomes.
GeoLINK’s Landscape Architect, Richard Elliott, has teamed up with Mission Australia (and other stakeholders) to develop a community garden at Barcoo Court, Toormina.
Barcoo Court comprises of 57 homes with 44 being managed by Mission Australia.
The goal is to provide a space for residents to meet and create a sense of community. Extending beyond plants and a vegie patch, this project is also about connecting people.
Benefits for the residents
What’s so great about this particular project is the residents are on board and actively involved. They see the benefits of a tenant initiated and led community project.
Residents of Bardoo Court have taken on this project with gusto. They’re able to see both short term and long-term benefits for their community. And that means they’re committed to the project, and the positive outcomes it will bring including:
GeoLINK only too happy to help out
Richard has worked on similar projects with Mission Australia, but as part of GeoLINK’s ethos of assisting community-based projects, we offered our time pro bono. Working directly with the residents of Barcoo Court and in collaboration with other project contributors, the group came up with a practical garden plan that meets the needs of the local community.
The design features seating, potting tables with wheelchair access, and wild growth areas for sprawling plants such as pumpkin.
This is a perfect example of putting our community-minded ethos to work. Committing time and expertise to projects that benefit others.
Mission Australia and GeoLINK team up
Mission Australia initiated the garden project as part of their broader Community Garden Program. Fortunately, there’s been a groundswell of support from community, government and other organisations.
Sydney Botanic Gardens, Coffs Harbour Community Gardens, Organic Garden educators, and a number of other care providers are all on board. As is the University of Technology, Griffith University and Southern Cross University who’ll monitor the short, medium and long term outcomes of the project.
A visit from the Governor General
The project is gaining momentum. Barcoo Court was lucky enough to have their Excellencies General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) and Mrs Linda Hurley, visit the garden on Saturday 27 February 2021.
Residents get on board
Richard says he’s in this one for the long haul. There are plans for the garden to develop further and Richard is eager to continue contributing where he can. But he’s also confident the garden is in good hands with the Tenant Committee.
Get in touch to find out more about our landscape architecture project services and other ways we get involved with local community projects.