Director, Simon Waterworth, is a REAP/ Registered Planner PLUS (EIA). This allows him to sign off on Environmental Impact Statements for SSD and SSI projects under the new DPE Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner Scheme.

The REAP scheme is part of the Rapid Assessment Framework, an array of system improvements designed to increase the efficiency and quality of major project assessments.


GeoLINK’s policy is to deliver products and services in accordance with the client’s specified requirements and industry best practice. The quality of our work is assured through established, purpose designed project management systems and rigorous peer review processes. GeoLINK maintains a Quality Management System, which meets with the requirements of EN ISO 9001:2015 and is third party certified by BSI Australia.


The legislation around ecology/biodiversity assessment changed significantly in August 2017, whereby the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act) was repealed and replaced by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act). The BC Act requires use of a process called BAM (the Biodiversity Assessment Method) to be used in the preparation of BDARs (Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports) when impacts on biodiversity are deemed significant.

To apply the BAM, you must have completed training to become an Accredited Assessor. GeoLINK’s accredited Assessors on staff are Veronica Silver, Jessica O’LearyGrant McLean and Troy Jennings.

Please contact us if you’re looking for someone to prepare BDARs using the BAM.

Accredited Environmental Auditors

We have two Accredited Environmental Auditors on our team, Simon Williams and Duncan Thomson. This accreditation allows us to undertake the following for our clients:

1. Environmental Audits – an audit is undertaken on a project, company or specific part of a company or projects
2. Government appointed ERs/EMRs – We are also approved as an “Environmental Representative” often referred to as ERs or “Environmental Management Representatives” referred to as EMRs.

The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment is the professional body for everyone working in the environment and sustainability.


The Bushfire Planning and Design (BPAD) Accreditation Scheme was designed for individuals (practitioners) delivering bushfire assessment, planning, design and advice services. It accredits practitioners who meet criteria based on specific accreditation and competency requirements, including a detailed knowledge of and ability to practically apply the relevant planning, development and building legislation and policies, the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standard AS3959 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas.

BPAD Accredited Practitioners are recognised by industry, regulators, fire agencies, end-users and the community as providers of professional bushfire assessment, planning, design and advice services.

Veronica Silver is a BPAD Level 2. Get in touch with Veronica to discuss your bushfire planning requirements.


A CPESC is a recognised specialist in soil erosion and sediment control. CPESCs have approved educational training, demonstrated expertise, experience in controlling erosion and sedimentation, and meet certification standards.

GeoLINK currently have two certified professionals on staff, David Howley and Patrick Sloan.


The diverse skills and qualities of a planner are highly valued and sought after by employers, governments, clients and the wider community. However, it is not easy for stakeholders to readily determine which planners represent excellence and integrity in their profession.

This is where a Registered Planner is invaluable.

Simon Waterworth and Veronica Silver are our Registered Planners, enabling us to clearly and unequivocally demonstrate our competencies and commitment to professional growth, development and ethical practice.


The Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme is the environment profession’s certification scheme, established by EIANZ in 2005.

GeoLINK has two certified practitioners on staff, Simon Williams and Veronica Silver. Being a certificated environmental practitioner demonstrates that the individual’s environmental skills and knowledge meet national standards. As well as clearly recognising GeoLINK’s dedication to providing assurance with respect to our competence and professional development and performance.


Engineers Australia (EA) is a national forum for the advancement of engineering and the professional development of members. As well as being the trusted accreditation authority for tertiary engineering education in Australia and overseas, EA also offer pathways for eligible engineers to achieve chartered status.

In addition to experience and completion of a recognised tertiary qualification, chartered professional engineers have demonstrated proficiency across several elements of competency. These include: dealing with ethical issues, developing safe and sustainable solutions, identifying, assessing and managing risks, meeting legal and regulatory requirements, advanced engineering knowledge, creativity and innovation, and communication.

Michelle Erwin is a registered Chartered Professional Engineer on the National Engineering Register.


The Register of Road Safety Auditors, maintained by the Transport for NSW Centre for Road Safety, recognises a practitioner’s skills and experience in road safety auditing. A Road Safety Audit is a formal, robust, technical assessment of road safety risks associated with road transport projects. Audits consider the safety of all road users and are completed by applying the Safe System principles while seeking to ensure that roads will operate as safely as practicable by eliminating fatal and serious injury crash potential.

Michelle Erwin is a Level 3 (lead) Road Safety Auditor and Jarrod Connell is a Level 2 Road Safety Auditor.


Fire Protection Association Australia (FPAA) – Silver Member. FPAA is the national peak body for fire safety, supporting and representing the fire protection industry.

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