About this project

GeoLINK was engaged for our expertise in projects for the health sector.

The Federal and NSW Governments have committed more than $780 million to deliver new and improved health facilities for the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District as part of the new Shellharbour Hospital and Integrated Services Project.

The proposed development is for a new greenfield hospital for the Shellharbour region, known as the New Shellharbour Hospital (NSH). Designed to meet the growing needs of the Illawarra Shoalhaven region, it will feature a broad range of services including an expanded emergency department, increased surgical capacity, improved access and more.

Project scope
The NSH and Integrated Services project will deliver contemporary networked health care facilities and expanded services to the community, enable the reconfiguration of services and infrastructure across the district, and provide more services closer to home, reducing the need to travel out of the area for care.

The project consists of:

  • Construction and operation of a new hospital for Shellharbour to provide the health services required to meet the needs of the Shellharbour and Illawarra region (in conjunction with the other hospitals and community health facilities across the region).
  • Construction of supporting infrastructure required for the NSH, including green space/ landscaping and other amenities, internal roads and access, at-grade and multi-deck car parking, external road upgrades and connections, utility/ services connections, and other supporting infrastructure.

This new hospital will play a significant role in the district’s service network and will be a much larger and more capable hospital with expanded services. It will also comprise car parking and improved public transport links.

Project design
The design of the hospital, by COX and STH architects, is result of a comprehensive architectural and multidisciplinary process and has been well received. The design principles considered, and the overall design response, achieve effective integration of the development into the site and local setting, supporting and maintaining good internal and external amenity.

It fulfils the operational and functional clinical needs and seeks to provide a comfortable, safe and fit-for-purpose facility and public domain environment for staff, patients, and visitors. The development will be an accessible and welcoming place and is supported by a considered and purposeful built form, with a complementary landscaped public realm. The building incorporates various design elements and performance measures to target efficiency and sustainability benchmarks, providing quality spaces.

GeoLINK Services for the project
GeoLINK provided a number of services for the project, including:

  • Planning approval pathway and site selection advice.
  • Preparation of a Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) and Development Application (DA) for early works (including bulk earthworks).
  • Review of specialist reports and preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) for the construction and operation of the hospital.

The preferred site for the new Shellharbour Hospital was identified in May 2021 and following due diligence investigations and extensive consultation, the site was acquired in June 2022.

Project challenges
Key challenges for the project include transport and access due to the area experiencing considerable population and development growth, with the design team and traffic engineering specialists undertaking comprehensive assessments and analysis, as well as agency and Council consultation.

Noise and vibration were also key considerations given the proximity to the railway line, Princes Highway, and large extractive industries present in the surrounding locality.

Stormwater engineering and aquatic ecologist advice reviewed the potential downstream impacts of the NSH on the health of the Minnamurra River Estuary. The analysis concluded that with the proposed stormwater controls in place, the development will have a negligible influence on the downstream environment, including the Minnamurra wetland system.

Project Progress
Progress of the NSH is on track and major works for the project have commenced. Early site works are complete, with the site now prepared for the next phase of construction following the granting of development consent in August 2024. The main works contractor has been appointed, following the recent approval of the State Significant Development Application (SSDA), paving the way for main works construction to start.

Due for completion in 2027, we’ll keep an eye on how this one continues to progress.

Get in touch with one of the GeoLINK offices in Armidale, Coffs Harbour or Lennox Head to discuss how our multi-disciplinary team, and Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioners, can help support your next project.


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