About this project

GeoLINK provides multi-disciplinary services to upgrade regional sport facility.

Sportz Central in Coffs Harbour has undergone a much needed upgrade to improve facilities to host a range of local and regional events. The significant upgrade has transformed Coffs Harbour’s major indoor sporting facility with the construction of new basketball courts, amenities, and car park improvements.

Sportz Central serves the role of the City of Coffs Harbour’s (the City) regional indoor sport facility. Prior to the upgrade, the sports halls did not comply with FIBA, the International Basketball Federation, regulations nor did they meet the current internal clearance heights required by international standards for both basketball and netball.

Project funding for the upgrade consisted of a $6.3m federal grant through the Department of Health Female Facilities and Water Safety Stream Program, a $1.1m state grant through the Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund and $880,000 from the City. The Proposal was assessed as Regionally Significant Development and determined by the Northern Regional Planning Panel.

Scope of works
Our Environmental Planning team fulfilled the town planning and bushfire report requirements for the approvals phase of the project including the reporting requirements (SEE), management and delivery of the development application (DA). The town planning services also included post DA lodgment services including attendance and presentation at the Public Determination meeting held by the Northern Regional Planning Panel.

Our Landscape Architect provided services for external upgrades of the precinct.

The project was designed to deliver an expanded sport and community facility to enable increased female participation in sport.  There were four major components:

  1. Provision of a new compliant basketball court. This included the extension of one of the sports halls at Sportz Central to meet the appropriate standards.
  1. Provision of accessible and female friendly amenities. This is for players and officials to provide greater participation in sport by females.
  1. Relocation of skate park. The existing skate park was located where the new basketball court was to be located and therefore a new skate park needed to be constructed to the east of the PCYC facility where cricket nets were located.
  1. Relocation of the cricket nets.

Due to the construction of the new skate park new cricket nets were constructed to the north of the PCYC facility within the precinct.

The project also included the provision of additional car parking and associated works and required a variation to the City’s building height limit/standard for the site.

Bushfire Planning services
In addition to undertaking and preparing the Bushfire Hazard Assessment to accompany the DA, GeoLINK were responsible for preparing the Bushfire Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan, which was required as a condition of consent for upgrades to Sportz Central.

The scope of works for the Bushfire Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan included:

  • Review of background information.
  • Analysis of site operation and management arrangements.
  • Liaison with project team regarding proposed bushfire emergency management procedures.
  • Preparation of a Bushfire Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan in accordance with NSW RFS guidelines and Australian Standard AS 3745-2010.

Landscape Architecture services
GeoLINK provided Landscape Architecture services for the detailed design and construction of the Sportz Central Upgrade Project. The landscape design takes into consideration the local site conditions and shade tolerant planting on the south side of the new build.

Tree species are located to provide shade to pedestrians along footpaths and also to create shade over hard surfaces to reduce radiant heat. Species planted within the car park area are of a height and density to maintain sight lines to retain pedestrian safety at crossing points.

Multi-disciplinary expertise a game changer for large projects
Project client, the City of Coffs Harbour, engaged GeoLINK across multiple areas of expertise because of the benefits and efficiencies it provided them with the multi-faceted project. We were able to provide them with effective communication and knowledge exchange between the different areas. They also benefited from time and cost efficiencies with bushfire, architecture and town planning services working together within one organisation.

Get in touch to find out more about how GeoLINK can help with your next project.


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